How to Get Physically Fit to Be a Racer

A lot of people are asking why does it a car racer has to be fit to race when all they do is sit down, step on the gas and pedal to the metal?

Let’s take a little wheel on this question, racing is a sport, and it goes faster, harder and stronger. It has a lot of rush in the adrenaline, and if you are not physically fit or healthy at least, then how are you supposed to keep with all those rush?

Well, if you wanted to be a racer the first rule would be to not step on that gas but to step up on your workout and diet. Burn fat, do heavy lifts, go for regular runs and keep an active lifestyle.

Just like they say, life in racing is life in the fast lane— but there’s definitely no shortcut to it. First, workout. Later, race.

Today, this blog post will talk a few tips on how you can be physically fit to be a racer. Here’s it!

How to Be Physically Fit in 3 Steps

Life in racing is not just about drifting, or how fast you can go in a speed limit— it is about discipline. That discipline starts on getting physically fit.

Here are 3 steps to make sure you are physically fit in your next race.


  1. Longer workouts. Doing longer workouts burn more calories. But it is not just that when you do long routines improves your body’s ability to use fat as fuel to push through.
  2. Do intense workout. Intense workouts like dead and heavy lifts, box jumping, and other more. Basically intense workouts are reported to be effective in burning calories and burning fat. If you are a race car driver, you just don’t need to loosen your weight to fit rightly into your car racing chair or the car itself, but to also prepare yourself to carry the intensity of the race.
  3. Frequency. How often you train and how often you workout can make a huge difference in your racing performance? Basically, a lot of racers do their training in driving, but in between driving goes a workout routine too. Having frequent workout often creates intensity in the heart preparing you for that extra pump in the race plus increases your metabolic activity too.


Ready for a Race?

That’s it! Remember, before you push on that wheel and start driving your speed, make sure you have a good fat burning exercise too.

Now, on a side note, to make sure you do well in burning fat, include alimenti brucia grassi in your supplement.